Template: Sticky
This is a sticky post. There are a few things to verify: The sticky post should be distinctly recognizable in some way in comparison to normal posts. You can style the .sticky…
View PostThis is a sticky post. There are a few things to verify: The sticky post should be distinctly recognizable in some way in comparison to normal posts. You can style the .sticky…
View PostWelcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
View PostHeadings Header one Header two Header three Header four Header five Header six Blockquotes Single line blockquote: Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Multi line blockquote with a cite reference: People think…
View PostWelcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab…
View PostDefault This is a paragraph. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It should just flow like you would normally expect. Nothing fancy. Just straight up text, free…
View PostPutting special characters in the title should have no adverse effect on the layout or functionality. Special characters in the post title have been known to cause issues with JavaScript…
View PostVerify that: The post title renders the word “with” in italics and the word “markup” in bold. The post title markup should be removed from the browser window / tab.
View PostThis post should display a featured image, if the theme supports it. Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues. This post tests a vertical featured image.
View PostThis post should display a featured image, if the theme supports it. Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues. This post tests a horizontal featured image.
View PostThis content is before the more tag. Right after this sentence should be a “continue reading” button of some sort.
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