Welcome to Steven's Universe — A Steven Universe Fansite!

What is Steven Universe?
First airing on November 4th, 2013, Steven Universe is a coming-of-age story told from the perspective of Steven, the youngest member of the group, the Crystal Gems, a team of magical guardians, and protectors of the Universe. The animated series was conceived as part of the shorts development initiative at Cartoon Network Studios, and is created by Emmy and Annie Award-nominated writer and storyboard artist, Rebecca Sugar, Cartoon Network's first solo female show creator.
The world is protected from evil threats by the Crystal Gems: Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven. Steven is a young boy who inherited a gem stone from his mother, a Crystal Gem named Rose Quartz. As Steven tries to figure out the secrets to using his gem, he spends his days in Beach City doing activities with the other Crystal Gems, whether it's helping them save the universe or just hanging out.
The first season slowly reveals that the four Crystal Gems are remnants of a once great interstellar civilization. Most of the locations they visit are ruins that were once of great importance to Gem culture, but have become derelict for millennia. The Gems are cut off from their homeworld, and it becomes apparent that the monsters and artifacts they encounter are Gems who have lost the ability to maintain rational humanoid forms. In parallel, flashbacks related by Greg develop the history of Rose Quartz and her relationships. By the end of the first season, Steven learns that the Homeworld Gems intended to sterilize the Earth to incubate new Gems within it.
Source: Wikipedia